Hathor Network

5 min readMay 29, 2021

This article is an all you need to know about WHY $HTR is going to blow up

  • What is Hathor?
  • Hathor Key Features
  • The Narrative on Fees
  • Hathor Amazing Tokenomics
  • Upcoming Price Catalyst & Roadmap
  • Competition
  • Team
  • My Opinions

What is Hathor?

Hathor is a L1 blockchain which uses a PoW consensus algorithm as well as having DAG structures built in. This means that Hathor is similar to a lot of the L1s out there such as ETH, ADA, SOL, except that it solves significant bottlenecks with scalability, usability and decentralisation in mind.

They already have been on a working main-net since 2020 and having already achieved 200+TPS which is PayPal levels, they are expected to scale up to 1800+TPS which is Visa levels.

Hathor Key Features

  • Gas-less Transactions
  • Ability to create tokens easily
  • Hathor Swap — Atomic Swap which allows for multiple coins in a single Tx
  • Hathor Virtual Debit Card
  • Hathor WooCommerce Checkout — 10x less fees than Stripe
  • Hathor Chrome Extension
  • Hathor Airdrop Management Tool
  • WhaleRoom — Social Platform x Hathor custom token holders VIP room

The Narrative on Fees

First off, we all know that the fees on Ethereum is astronomically high, being able to go as high as a couple hundred dollars per Tx. And even when the gas is considered “cheap” in recent times, being around $10/Tx, stacked up its still a hefty price to pay, needing to pay to swap, approve, stake, etc.

And then there came BSC with Pancakeswap, having lower fees. What we need to know is that fees would usually concern investors with lower capital, as the fees wouldn’t affect those with tons of capital as their gains easily offset the amount of fees they’re paying.

And what I’ve come to realise is that even though PancakeSwap has very low fees, their prices per token is higher than those on Uniswap, which would effectively negating the lower gas prices on PancakeSwap.

So this is where Hathor comes in with it’s DEX that requires no gas. Once adoption comes for Hathor and coins start getting listed on Hathor, Hathor would easily outperform any other L1s out there.

Hathor Amazing Tokenomics

Hathor, similar to Bitcoin has “halving” built into their tokenomics, however the key difference would be that Hathor’s halving is yearly compared to Bitcoin’s once every 4 years halving. Halving would essentially half the inflation rate of Hathor but thats not all.

Every time a project wants to build on Hathor, they would have to lock up X amount of $HTR to mint their project’s tokens, this would mean that with each new project building on Hathor, the CS would effectively decrease as a result.

Increased adoption of Hathor would lead to a decrease in supply, and supply-demand concept states that once adoption comes, the price of Hathor would increase exponentially.

Upcoming Price Catalyst & Roadmap

In the upcoming month of June, we are expected to see Nano-Contracts being LIVE on Hathor and afterwards, we’re also expecting to see Hathor being listed on another T1 exchange.

Nano-Contracts is huge for Hathor as we can see it similar to smart contracts on Cardano. Nano-contracts is the main driving force of Hathor and with this would bring adoption.

Afterwards we would be able to look forward towards NFT integrations and so much more.


Seeing how Hathor matched up with other L1s, we can see that for Hathor to even get to Solana’s market cap, its a 115x from here, not to mention the other bigger L1s. This shows how incredibly early we are to this gem. And it’s not like Hathor is competing with these L1s with nothing, Hathor brings so much to the table that I believe long-term, it deserves to be up there with these top L1 blockchains.


There’s only 2 members of the team I would like to mention, first would be their marketing guy, which was part of $NEAR($1.1B MC) as a marketing guild member.

The second would be Kyle Chasse, CEO of $PAID as their strategic advisor. This man have achieved much making $PAID one of the biggest launchpads in crypto and even getting Binance to invest in them.

My Opinions

Firstly, we can see that HathorPay offers significantly more benefits compared to Metamask or CEX wallets. There has also been FUD going around for the one-time fee of $75 for HathorPay. However, let me ask you, would you rather pay $75 one time and never have to pay anything again or would you like to pay for every single transaction over years. Knowing that crypto is the future, we wouldn’t just be using crypto for the next year till the bull-run is over, adoption will come and it’ll be part of our everyday life. Even if you use BSC with it’s low fees, compound it over your lifetime and you would opt for a one time fee of $75 as it’s a no-brainer.

Next would be looking at how the Hathor team has been working closely with HTRDFT, which is a company which aims to bring multiple use-cases to Hathor. We can see that the multiple use-cases they bring would be able to increase the adoption for Hathor significantly. First would be their Debit Card, what would allow you to spend your crypto easily, that would of course be a card that would allow you to spend Hathor effortlessly.

Next would be their WooCommerce checkout, which is 10x cheaper than Stripe. Stripe is a huge company that is widely adopted, yet they have something which is 10x cheaper? You know I’m in.

Right now during this huge market correction, Hathor is at 35c right now, and if you ask me, these are levels to accumulate at. As within a month of the release of nano-contracts, we’d be seeing it clear the $1–2 level easily.

Don’t FOMO in to the pump and be exit liquidity, not financial advice but you’ve been warned :)

All images credits to their original creators.

